Pop Ins, Flex Passes, and Gift Certificates

Life can be busy and schedules can be wonky especially when you have a job, family commitments, kids to shuttle around, etc.

If you’d prefer to schedule and pay per lesson, we’ve got your back with Pop In Lessons.

Or maybe you want a Gift for someone you care about?

It’s easy.  Just click the button. Choose what you want. Schedule and Pay. Done! You’ll get a digital gift certificate you can print or email.

Available in:

  • Pop In Lessons in 30-90 minute increments
  • Flex Passes Cards (buy a block of time to use as you wish, now or later)
  • And they all are avaiable as Gift Certificates 

PS: We do not recommend this option for children unless they are working on a specific short term goal like preparing for an audition, recording project or role. 

Got Questions? We’ve got answers. Message us and we’ll help you find the perfect option for you or the one you love.