When you are going through difficult times, when the news is negative, or when you are simply tired and discouraged, it can be hard to summon optimism.
Top Reasons You Should Definitely Start Meditating
What will happen if you start meditating? What is the purpose of meditation?
If you are on the fence about meditation, then let’s make things a little simpler for you: this is something that you absolutely should do.
1. It Thickens Your Brain
2. It Helps You Deal With Stress
3. It Gives You Greater Emotional Control
4. It Provides Mental Discipline
How to Create Rules For a Great Life
Having rules that govern your life, behavior, and choices might seem confining and restrictive.
But there’s a profound freedom that comes from living by a set of rules that you’ve chosen for yourself.
You can refrain from toiling over as many decisions. You simply follow your own rules.
Suppose you had the rule that you’re never going to lie to your partner.
Then you never have to fight with yourself about whether or not to tell the truth. You simply tell the truth and get on with life.
Develop your own set of rules for each aspect of your life.