Congratulations on Completing Your Enrollment
with Confident Voice Studio.


We’re so thrilled to welcome you as a new client!

Private Lesson Clients:
Please use the scheduler below to reserve your weekly private lesson time.

Group Class Clients:
CLICK HERE To Schedule Your Classes.

Please note, lessons and classes are first come-first served. 

Reserving Your Spot is Just 5 Simple Steps.

1. Select the Private Lessons or Classes Button.
2. Select your Program or Lesson Type and Teacher
3. Click on a lesson time.
Choose the Recurring… option
4. Click the Add Recurring Times button. The times will be added. If there are any conflicts, don’t worry. We got ya back. We’ll be in touch to confirm and find an alternative time for that week. Click Continue
5. Complete the information section and click the Complete Appointment button.

That’s it. Easy Peasy.

Enjoy this Video Walkthrough

Schedule Your Private Lessons Here

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