Learning to Listen

Not to toot my own horn but I’m friends with some of the most coolest and most accomplished singers and voice experts on the planet.

And one of them is Valerie Day. Do you know her?

In addition to being an expert on voice, music careers and band leadership, she’s also a great writer, a grammy nominated singer. She’s had a long career and that is a sign that she’s doing things right.

I was perusing her blog today and found this article. It touches on a skill I believe we can build as singers and musicians EVEN when we don’t FEEL like singing.

(like during a time of global pandemic…

or when we’re experiencing unprecedented political and racial unrest…

and top it off…during the gloomy PNW winter)

Check it out here

Director, Confident Voice Studio

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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12 Ways Parents Can Help An Only Child Not Feel Lonely

12 Ways Parents Can Help An Only Child Not Feel Lonely

Having an only child gives you a mature, diligent, and conscientious little perfectionist—but it also comes with some tough parenting moments. 

Fifty years ago, people frequently saw only children as socially anxious, shy, pampered, and lonely. However, the tide has shifted, and as the percentage of only children increases, their status in society has risen. According to the Pew Research Center, 22% of youngsters lacked siblings once their mothers reached the end of childbearing age in 2015, compared with 11% in 1967.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. There are families with more than 12 children, and others with none. A small family differs dramatically from a large one and, consequently, comes with an entirely different set of challenges and rewards.

Being an only child has many advantages, but there are disadvantages, too.

Does being an only child mean you are destined to be lonely?

Definitely Not! It’s important to understand that not having more children isn’t hurting your only child and isn’t destined to be lonely, pampered, or spoiled.

As a parent, there is much you can do to help your child adapt to being an only child and suffer less loneliness.

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