Why Confident Voice Studio? Why did I name the business with the word “voice” in it if we were going to teach other instruments like piano, ukulele, and (coming soon) guitar? Let me share my thinking with you.
What Makes your Voice Special?
We, humans, are just marvelous, aren’t we?
When you really think about all the stuff we do (including the things we don’t have control over, like hearts beating) it really just blows my mind.
And the voice is no exception. To sing and sing healthy there’s some stuff going on.
To really appreciate it, you have to know a bit about how it works.
(and it works the same no matter our gender or age)
Four Things That Can Make Your Life More Meaningful
When we spend our lives merely surviving, life can start to seem a little empty and pointless. Nevertheless, this is exactly how many of us live: we work for eight hours or more a day and then we come home feeling too tired and exhausted to do much of anything with our time. So, we sit and watch TV.
The same thing repeats and repeats and the most excitement we have is a holiday once a year to look forward to. Is that really living?
6 Healthy Tips to Avoid Holiday Family Drama
Holiday family drama is inevitable nowadays. During the holidays, it’s normal to indulge in joyous celebrations, tempting dishes, and the company of your loving family. Although this is the ideal, picture-perfect holiday sight, most families live in a far different scene.
If you’re sick and tired of dealing with holiday drama year after year, this is the perfect time to put a stop to your holiday fears.
Try these Five Tips to avoid unnecessary drama this holiday season:
1. Understand Your Expectations
2. Set Your Personal Boundaries Ahead of Time
3. Know Your Wants And Needs
4. Accept Your Family As They Are
5. Feel the Feels
6. Compromise
Learn To Sing Correctly Every Time
Kids tend to find singing very amusing and never miss a chance to show off their singing talent. For some kids, the desire to sing does not wear off by getting older. In some cases, it grows even stronger and it becomes a passion they wish to pursue as adults. In this case, singing becomes a bit more challenging. It’s one thing to make singing mistakes as a kid and quite different to become embarrassed in a karaoke contest. In fact, many people give up singing as adults, simply because they are afraid of the harsh criticism they may get.
Brain Foods for the Healthy Singer
If you choose your foods wisely, you’ll find it can make a significant difference to your brain function and overall mental performance.
When Self-Help Becomes a Negative Thing
The right self-help book or course can be a tremendously powerful tool. I have personally seen it transform people’s...
How to Tweak Your Environment & Mindset to Finally Reach Your Goals
If you’re tired of giving up on your New Year’s resolutions, it’s time to adjust your environment and your mindset so you can see success. This is not about making your goals easier; it’s about making small changes in our everyday lives that will make the process of reaching our goals easier.