Are You “That” Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Are You "That" Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Are You “That” Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on from time to time. When things go wrong, who will listen to you? Or are you that friend who will learn to accept imperfection of others?

Often it’s not who will listen but who is worthy of the privilege to witness your vulnerability. No one is perfect, but not everyone can handle seeing imperfection in others. Could you possibly be the type of friend who has a problem with that?

Are you willing to listen?

There are all types of people in the world and you may know many of them. When it comes to sharing your imperfection with others, it is wise to show discernment. Sharing with the wrong person can be detrimental for you as well as them. It is hard to be vulnerable. Choosing unwisely can make you shy about sharing again. It can also lead to a broken relationship.

The truth is that everyone is not ready to handle all situations. A person who has not yet embraced their imperfect side won’t rise to the occasion to celebrate yours. We have all been that friend who has been less than tolerant. Recognize when you are acting in this way. Let your friend know that maybe you aren’t the one to confide in at this time. Then, grow beyond where you are and learn to be more tolerant.

6 Types of Friends that could be you

Don’t fret. You can change.

Gasping friend – They feel that you aren’t sorry enough for your faux pas. It is their duty to act mortified on your behalf. If this is you, then all sympathy for your friend, the sharer, has gone out the window because of your shock.

Sympathetic friend – In reality you are feeling sorry for the sharer. You pat them on the back and shake your head. In reality you are saying that you are glad that you aren’t in that position. It is quite a patronizing position that the vulnerable sharer doesn’t need right now.

Worshipping friend – This is the friend who thought that you could do no wrong. The sun and the moon rise and fall on you. When you profess vulnerability by sharing a mistake, they can feel nothing but let down. The sharer feels bad that they burdened you.

Uncomfortable friend – This friend doesn’t like to admit that they could be vulnerable too. In an effort not to face their own faults, they don’t know how to deal with listening to yours. They need someone to blame. If this is you, the blame will likely be placed on the sharer or someone else so that you feel better.

Rosy friend – You wear those rosy glasses and pretend that the situation was not as bad as the sharer is making it out to be. If this is you, the goal is to make the sharer feel better no matter what.

Competitive friend – You don’t want to listen to your friend. If this is you, their tale of woe is an opportunity for you to show that you can share a better story of vulnerability than they can. You won’t be outdone.

Being imperfect requires friends who are willing to go the extra mile with you. Is that you?

Learn more at Confident Voice Studio.

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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