

How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Really Nervous

How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Really Nervous

Are you a confident speaker or performer who commands the stage, or do jitters get in your way? Here’s how to overcome your nerves and speak with confidence.

When dealing with anxiety and stress, one question you could ask yourself is why does it matter?

Why does it really matter if people can tell that you’re anxious?

Does it really matter if you’re understandably nervous during a big presentation or event?

The answer is probably not but the reason it impacts us is that it undermines our social standing. When you sound anxious or nervous, it suggests that you don’t have confidence in what you’re saying. In turn, this makes other people less likely to trust you and it makes them less likely to think of you as a good leader, as a good employee, or as someone they’d like to date. If someone is nervous around you, it suggests that they perceive you as their superior.

So you don’t necessarily need to be able to completely remove nerves – you just need to sound as though you don’t have any!

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Self-Tape Success: Video Audition Training

Self-Tape Success: Video Audition Training

The world sure is different for us singers, wouldn’t you agree?

We’re hearing data from various sources that singing in groups, with no masks, is still months, maybe a year, away.

And yet art endures. Artists will endure.

Because an artist creates no matter the circumstances, because we can’t NOT create.

At Confident Voice Studio we’re doing more and more to keep singing actors performing during these trying times…like our world premiere virtual musical, The Show Must Go Online.

And you can expect more companies to follow suit with more virtual productions and more virtual or self-tape auditions.

Are you ready?

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How To Sing “From The Diaphragm”

How To Sing “From The Diaphragm”

You must have heard people saying “Sing from your diaphragm”, but what exactly do they mean? How can your diaphragm sing? What they actually mean is to use your diaphragm to control your singing breath.

Well, you must actually practice with good vocal exercises to perfect your singing breath. Singing from the diaphragm is a complex muscle/breath coordination that many singing teachers find it difficult for their students to words effectively. That is why there is so much confusion on this topic.

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4 Simple Steps to Recover from an Embarrassing Case of Stage Fright

4 Simple Steps to Recover from an Embarrassing Case of Stage Fright

Have you ever been a victim of stage fright? You were beyond prepared for your speech or performance, yet nothing came out of your mouth.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged after a challenging experience like stage fright. However, you don’t have to be defined by your mistakes–you can pick yourself up again.

It really isn’t the end of the world. Your imperfection just means you’re human. You can move past such an embarrassing stage fright experience and feel 100 times better after working through this recovery process.

Learn how to recover and regain the courage to step back on stage with these simple steps:

1. Relax
2. Recap
3. Practice
4. Reaffirm

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Are You “That” Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Are You “That” Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on from time to time. When things go wrong, who will listen to you? Or are you that friend who will learn to accept imperfection of others?

Often it’s not who will listen but who is worthy of the privilege to witness your vulnerability. No one is perfect, but not everyone can handle seeing imperfection in others. Could you possibly be the type of friend who has a problem with that?

Are you willing to listen?

There are all types of people in the world and you may know many of them. When it comes to sharing your imperfection with others, it is wise to show discernment. Sharing with the wrong person can be detrimental for you as well as them. It is hard to be vulnerable. Choosing unwisely can make you shy about sharing again. It can also lead to a broken relationship.

The truth is that everyone is not ready to handle all situations. A person who has not yet embraced their imperfect side won’t rise to the occasion to celebrate yours. We have all been that friend who has been less than tolerant. Recognize when you are acting in this way. Let your friend know that maybe you aren’t the one to confide in at this time. Then, grow beyond where you are and learn to be more tolerant.

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Why Singers Must Conduct a Sound Check

Why Singers Must Conduct a Sound Check

When your band and you as the lead singer use electronic musical instruments such as the electric guitar, electric bass or the microphone etc, conducting a sound check is necessary to balance the sound of the instruments and your voice.

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7 Ways to Deal with Change When It Happens To You

7 Ways to Deal with Change When It Happens To You

The one thing you can be sure about is that change is going to happen.
And that’s especially true right now with state of the world.
No matter what you do in life, change is the one certainty you can count on.
However, some people have a hard time dealing with change…even when it’s self-induced.
It makes them uncomfortable and can cause anxiety.
If you have issues dealing with change these ways to deal with change better will change your life.

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.