Secrets of Fearless Performers

Secrets of Fearless Performers

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what stands in the way of reaching our musical goals besides the actual musical training.

Often discomfort and fear are the only things holding us back. It’s true for kids and adults.

It’s okay to feel that way, because courage requires vulnerability.

You can do uncomfortable things. You can acknowledge the fear or uncertainty and choose to do what scares you anyway.

I’m reminded of how much courage I needed to muster when I quit my corporate job in 2008 to start my journey as an entrepreneur. Or how I started Portland Musical Theater Company in 2016 with just a dream of producing theatre that would bring audiences hope and joy.

I’m living proof you can do things even if you’re scared. You can feel the fear and do it anyway.

Choose courage.

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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7 Ways to Make Time For The Things You Love

7 Ways to Make Time For The Things You Love

How do you make time for the things you love? It sounds easy but is hard to achieve.

As life continues to speed up, it can be difficult for us to keep up with all of the demands that are placed on our time. With so much going on at once, it’s hard to find someone that complains about having too much time on their hands. We have to juggle work, family commitments, trying to stay healthy and fit, and finding time for fun activities.

Use these techniques to create the time you require for important pursuits:

1. Use your mornings wisely.
2. Decide what you want to make room for.
3. Understand the ways you waste time.
4. Make a schedule.
5. Prioritize and eliminate.
6. Delegate.
7. Multitask.

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