If you choose your foods wisely, you’ll find it can make a significant difference to your brain function and overall mental performance.
Confident Voice Studio
When Self-Help Becomes a Negative Thing
The right self-help book or course can be a tremendously powerful tool. I have personally seen it transform people’s...
How to Tweak Your Environment & Mindset to Finally Reach Your Goals
If you’re tired of giving up on your New Year’s resolutions, it’s time to adjust your environment and your mindset so you can see success. This is not about making your goals easier; it’s about making small changes in our everyday lives that will make the process of reaching our goals easier.
Four Benefits of Having a Morning Routine
Are you the type to hit the snooze button five times and then scramble out of the door, forgetting papers, spilling...
7 Practical Strategies to Avoid Being Distracted
Focus is the new superpower. Think about it.
How many times has someone asked you a question, but didn’t hear your response because they were distracted by their smartphone?
They couldn’t focus on your response for five seconds, and they actually wanted to know the answer!
If you want to have a huge advantage in your life, I believe learning how to avoid being distracted is key….for kids and adults.
No Tears Bedtime Routine for Kids
No Tears Bedtime Routine for Kids 3 Tips to Beat the Bedtime Struggle Bedtime routine for kids often go out the window...
Tips For Parents On Managing Holiday Stress
Managing holiday stress seems inevitable—that whirlwind of holiday parties, gift-giving, and activities galore that begins right after Halloween, builds to Thanksgiving, and continues to gain momentum through the end of the year.
Adults know that the holidays are stressful, often bringing unwelcome guests—stress and depression. According to a C.S. survey, one in five parents claim that their stress levels ruin the holidays for their children. We want to think of the holidays as joyful, but they can also be a challenging time for many families.
5 Benefits of Voice Lessons for Kids Besides Learning Music
Music lessons can help kids grow in confidence, listening skills and public speaking skills, and have fun!!