
10 Tips to Teach Your Child The Art of Giving

10 Tips to Teach Your Child The Art of Giving

Is there an “art of giving”? I believe there is. Much like how a painter creates unique masterpieces and writers craft heartfelt words, gifting is an opportunity to express care for those around us- it’s one way we show our hearts.

Teaching your child how to give to others can increase their self-esteem and help them look out for others that are less fortunate. It also teaches them that the world doesn’t revolve around them, something all children can learn.

Teaching kids to give also encourages saying no to selfishness and prepares them to be more inclusive towards others.

Try these strategies that may prove useful:

1. Lead by example.
2. Encourage generosity by showing them that their help benefits others.
3. Teach your children to give of their time and energy
4. Give them lessons on sharing.
5. Share how you feel when you give.
6. Consider donor-advised funds.
7. Look for opportunities to give.
8. Start small.
9. Be clear.
10. Teach your children positive values.

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5 Tips to Empower Your Parenting Skills in the New Year

5 Tips to Empower Your Parenting Skills in the New Year

Parenting Skills in the New Year

As we step into the New Year, we make new promises. As a parent, you may want to know some interesting tips for empowering your parenting skills and continuing to find growth in your parenting.

Make Resolutions for the New Year

Why do people usually create new resolutions for the new year?

Making meaningful resolutions at the beginning of a brand-new year is important. And it is much more essential to accomplish them by the end of the year.

However, parents frequently forget the things they have resolved because of their busy schedules. To avoid this from happening, these should be written down or printed on small flash cards and put where you can always see them. You can also keep them written down by hand in your personal notebook.

Here are some simple suggestions for New Year’s resolutions for parents:

1. Paying attention to your kids
2. A resounding no to False Punishments
3. Parental Patience: Count to 10
4. Keep Your Word
5. Taking care of yourself

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6 Easy Tips to Help Your Child Make New Year’s Resolutions

6 Easy Tips to Help Your Child Make New Year’s Resolutions

Help your child make new year’s resolutions this 2023! With a fresh new year upon us, now is the perfect opportunity to help kids ages 7–12 cultivate their own personal growth and discover what it means for them to strive towards becoming their best selves.

Our children are growing in mindfulness and understanding others’ perspectives. As parents, we can provide guidance as they make resolutions that will shape who they become throughout the coming year.

Jumpstart 2023 by encouraging your kids to make resolutions on how they will expand themselves both inside and out over the next 12 months. It’s never too early (or late!) to plant those seeds of growth! Empower your children by nurturing an exciting journey ahead filled with all possibilities.

Why not make the new year an opportunity for growth and change as a family? 

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3 Tips to Survive the Holiday Rush

3 Tips to Survive the Holiday Rush

The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time for you and your family, though sometimes the stresses leading up to the holidays make it seem quite the opposite.

Usually, parents find themselves feeling overwhelmed with all of the things they have to do. It can be difficult to keep up with everything while still maintaining your sanity.

But don’t worry—it is possible to survive the holiday rush without turning into a Grinch. Remember that even in poor economic times, there are ways to enjoy yourself and survive the holiday rush.

With just a little bit of careful planning, surviving (and even thriving!) through the holidays won’t seem quite so daunting. With these simple strategies, you’ll be able to stay in control of your schedule so that you can actually enjoy quality family time without spending too much on gifts or treats!

Try these 3 tips:

1. Spending Money
2. Planning Your Budget
3. Dealing With Stress

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5 Tips to Reduce Your (and Your Child’s) Holiday Stress

5 Tips to Reduce Your (and Your Child’s) Holiday Stress

Enjoy the Holiday Without the Stress!

Every holiday really is the best of times and the worst of times. As the holiday season approaches, your stress level will undoubtedly escalate. Our tidings of joy and comfort can so easily be devoured by the relentless stress of doing it all, getting it all, and buying it all.

In addition to your regular work schedule, home and kids, you’ve got more shopping to do, menus to plan, and food to prepare. And because stress can ripple out to our spouse, children, coworkers, and others, the benefits of reducing it ripple out to others too. The good news is that you can still lower your holiday stress even with all the extra activities and preparations.

To help you along your journey, here are some proven strategies to help you decrease your holiday stress.

1. Start your holiday planning and preparations earlier.
2. Scale down your holiday plans.
3. Take time-saving shortcuts.
4. Acknowledge that everything doesn’t need to be perfect.
5. Decide on your course of action

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7 Tips to Fend Off Holiday Stress

7 Tips to Fend Off Holiday Stress

Holiday stress can affect anyone, even children. There are a lot of expectations around the holidays. Many people associate the holidays with family gatherings, parties, and happy memories. These expectations can be stressful.

When stress is at its peak, it’s hard to stop and regroup. Try these 7 steps to ensure you have a stress-free holiday:

1. Plan Ahead
2. Maintain Healthy Eating Habits
3. Saying “No”
4. Get Some Sun
5. Make The Choice to Be as Happy as Possible.
5. Make The Choice to Be as Happy as Possible
6. Take a Break
7. Practice gratefulness

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6 Healthy Tips to Avoid Holiday Family Drama

6 Healthy Tips to Avoid Holiday Family Drama

Holiday family drama is inevitable nowadays. During the holidays, it’s normal to indulge in joyous celebrations, tempting dishes, and the company of your loving family. Although this is the ideal, picture-perfect holiday sight, most families live in a far different scene.

If you’re sick and tired of dealing with holiday drama year after year, this is the perfect time to put a stop to your holiday fears.

Try these Five Tips to avoid unnecessary drama this holiday season:

1. Understand Your Expectations
2. Set Your Personal Boundaries Ahead of Time
3. Know Your Wants And Needs
4. Accept Your Family As They Are
5. Feel the Feels
6. Compromise

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5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline

5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline

Discover the value of self-discipline that can shape your child’s journey to responsibility and self-mastery.

Self-discipline is an essential skill that parents should teach their children early in life. It helps them resist unhealthy temptations, endure discomfort associated with goal-setting, and delayed gratification.

The best way to teach your child self-discipline is by consistently setting reasonable and attainable expectations for them through consistent communication and reinforcement that help shape positive behavior.

Children who acquire self-discipline tend to have higher academic achievements, better decision-making skills, and stronger relationships with others.

By instilling self-discipline in your child, you are setting them up for a better future and building a solid foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship.

Learn the secrets to nurturing a sense of self-discipline in your child with these effective tips:

1. Build self-discipline into a routine.
2. Explain the reason for your rules.
3. Set consequences for their actions.
4. Reward good behavior.
5. Make self-discipline a habit.

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We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.