
5 Hidden Benefits of Live-Streaming Music Lessons

If you’re reading this, your life has probably gone remote!

You now find yourself juggling work, school, and family get-togethers all through Facetime, Zoom, and phone calls.

It’s an unexpected change, but you’re learning and persisting.

Music lessons are just another part of life that can and WILL continue, despite COVID-19.

Here at Confident Voice Studio, we’ve been teaching online for a collective 15 years so it’s not new to us. We’ve perfected teaching “online” a long time ago.

We’re continuing group classes, private lessons, and exciting, new offerings (did you catch “The Show Must Go Online”?), all in our virtual studio.

Read on to discover 5 hidden benefits of live-streaming music lessons! 

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7 Ways to Deal with Change When It Happens To You

7 Ways to Deal with Change When It Happens To You

The one thing you can be sure about is that change is going to happen.
And that’s especially true right now with state of the world.
No matter what you do in life, change is the one certainty you can count on.
However, some people have a hard time dealing with change…even when it’s self-induced.
It makes them uncomfortable and can cause anxiety.
If you have issues dealing with change these ways to deal with change better will change your life.

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7 Steps to Find Your Unique Voice

7 Steps to Find Your Unique Voice

Unique voice can help guide people and keep them from making mistakes. They can give support to a belief or dispel misunderstanding. Voices show our uniqueness and individuality. But if we fail to utilize and exercise our voices, they will fade with time. We will lose the ability to allow our words to change us and the people around us.

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What Makes your Voice Special?

What Makes your Voice Special?

We, humans, are just marvelous, aren’t we?
When you really think about all the stuff we do (including the things we don’t have control over, like hearts beating) it really just blows my mind.
And the voice is no exception. To sing and sing healthy there’s some stuff going on.
To really appreciate it, you have to know a bit about how it works.
(and it works the same no matter our gender or age)

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7 Practical Strategies to Avoid Being Distracted

7 Practical Strategies to Avoid Being Distracted

Focus is the new superpower. Think about it.
How many times has someone asked you a question, but didn’t hear your response because they were distracted by their smartphone?
They couldn’t focus on your response for five seconds, and they actually wanted to know the answer!
If you want to have a huge advantage in your life, I believe learning how to avoid being distracted is key….for kids and adults.

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.