How To Get Noticed As A Singer

How To Get Noticed As A Singer

Some singers catapulted to stardom rather quickly, some sparkled, flickered a little and then faded into obscurity while most singers stayed the same for years if not forever at mediocrity level?

Why is it that most singers never make it big in their singing career, not to say becoming superstars? Well, for starters, most singers begin their career as a lounge singer, singing in small clubs and belting out cover versions of established and popular singers. They selection of songs will be dictated by their audiences and so they must cover a wide genre of songs.

At one moment, you can enjoy a Barbara Streisand ballad and then the next song will be a fast Chaka Khan number followed by latin inspired Michael Buble’s ‘Sway’. Yes, it is good to be versatile and able to sing songs of various styles and genre. In fact it is even admirable if you can sing a Celine Dione number and sounded like Celine and then a Frank Sinatra swing sounding like ol’ blue eyes himself.

However, as a famous vocal coach, Brett Manning once said, ‘I have coached dozens of young women who can now sing almost exactly like Celine Dion. But then again, who wants a counterfeit when the real Celine Dione is already available?’ This quote is taken from Brett’s article ‘How to build a successful singing voice’.

In other words, most singers just take it as part of their job to sound like the original cover versions of songs and never try to create a distinctive sound and style of their own. Now, if all singers sounded alike, how would you get noticed and recognized for who you are? How to make it big as a singer when you can only sing other people’s song and imitate other singer’s style of singing?

Let me ask you a question, how many times have you heard a song being sung and immediately able to identify the singer although you have never heard that particular song performed by the singer? Many times isn’t it? Why? Because every prolific singer’s voice and style are like their thumbprint. It is distinguishable from the rest of the pack. That is why they stand out and get noticed.

If you want your singing voice to get noticed and make it big as a singer, develop a distinctive style and voice of your own. After all, you have sung so many singer’s style that you can use these influences to develop your own and stand out from the crowd.

Till next time, happy singing.

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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