5 Tips to Encourage Positive Behavior in Teenagers


5 Tips to Encourage Positive Behavior in Teenagers

Positive behavior in teenagers is important as it allows them to try new things, take healthy risks, and solve problems. 

Teens are indeed complicated, no doubt. They’re moody, have impulsive tendencies, and constantly search for meaning and significance. Their moods can seemingly change almost instantly and often render meaningful conversations difficult due to their poor listening habits.

Everyone can agree that parenting is one of the most challenging jobs. There’s no textbook or manual out there to make things easier.

How do you encourage positive behavior in the middle of challenging parenting and teens’ turbulent nature?

Try these strategies that may help you put a positive approach to behavior into action.

1. Quality time.

Bring the family closer by spending quality time together. There’s no better way to promote positive behavior than to tear down the barriers between family members, especially when it comes to communication.

  • When everyone is more comfortable in each other’s presence, teens will naturally want to be around them. And they will cultivate a positive attitude as a result. 
  • What can you do? Take the family out to dinners. Organize an outing for the family. Get creative by playing board games together. Make participation non-negotiable.

2. Give your teens responsibility. 

For instance, you can persuade your teenager to find some form of employment. A lifeguard job or helping a neighbor out with babysitting, for example, can teach your teenager to be responsible. They may see the value of life and cherish the experience.

  • Whatever job they pick, please encourage them to ask friends or their parents for help to improve. Teens can learn a lot from service industry jobs. For example, they can learn the value of customer service, hard work, and good conduct.
  • These lessons can help them deal with daily tasks and relationships in the future.

3. Listen. 

Teens often feel that their parents aren’t listening to them, and they’re constantly trying to prove a point. Why not change this?

  • Make it a point to listen and be interested in what they say. This action may wet their appetite for communication, leading them to share more information about their lives.
  • Enthusiasm is contagious. You’ll see the common ground you share with your teen’s interests, and your conversations will open up from there.

4. Take your teen seriously. 

Teens are known for their independent thinking. Some teens can also be willful at times. However, this does not mean that you treat them differently or ignore them whenever they have an opinion.

  • Despite their “difficult” behaviors and antics, give them your undivided attention whenever they have something serious to say. Remember that the things they say and do are symptoms of the issues they’re facing at the moment.
  • You may not have all the answers, but you can certainly encourage them to find solutions independently.

5. Know what activities they enjoy. 

Parents who build fun activities into the day keep their teenagers and themselves happy. Joining a club or an extracurricular activity is a great way to add fun to your parenting.

  • Team sports and activities that require social interaction make for a good time, mainly because teens can get to know other kids in the neighborhood.
  • We have so many things that can cause worry. But when you look back years from today, you won’t remember the hard times as much as the fun memories we created with the people we love.

Each year, the world becomes more complicated and challenging for kids to navigate. Fear not! Your relationship with your child can’t get broken by hardship. And it’s worth every minute of your time trying to understand them, or at least lending an ear.

Remember to practice a healthy lifestyle. When either you or your teen gets less sleep each night or follows a poor diet, it increases mood swings and negative attitudes.

Each of us is unique, so parenting styles have to be adjusted to fit our children’s needs. Guiding them towards positive behaviors is a continuous process that may take time. But it can be gratifying when you see the results!

Want to see your teen succeed in life? Music lessons could be the exact thing to help them gain confidence, self-esteem, resilience and more. Learn more about how music lessons can support your team and get their first class for free at  https://confidentvoicestudio.com/get-started


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We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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