

12 Proven Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence 

12 Proven Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence 

Consistently boost your child’s self-confidence. The idea of feeling good about a kid’s skills and abilities is referred to as child self-confidence. Occasionally, we certainly notice when kids seem to feel good about themselves and when they don’t. 

The world can be a confusing and challenging place. This is especially true for a child. Children don’t have a lot of control over their lives. They also have to spend all day with other children, who can be less than supportive and encouraging.

It’s your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your child has a healthy level of self-confidence.

As children grow and mature, that confidence can be as important as the skills themselves.

To thrive, kids need to trust in their capabilities while knowing that they can handle it if they aren’t successful at something. It is by experiencing mastery and rebounding from failure that they develop healthy self-confidence.

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How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Really Nervous

How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Really Nervous

Are you a confident speaker or performer who commands the stage, or do jitters get in your way? Here’s how to overcome your nerves and speak with confidence.

When dealing with anxiety and stress, one question you could ask yourself is why does it matter?

Why does it really matter if people can tell that you’re anxious?

Does it really matter if you’re understandably nervous during a big presentation or event?

The answer is probably not but the reason it impacts us is that it undermines our social standing. When you sound anxious or nervous, it suggests that you don’t have confidence in what you’re saying. In turn, this makes other people less likely to trust you and it makes them less likely to think of you as a good leader, as a good employee, or as someone they’d like to date. If someone is nervous around you, it suggests that they perceive you as their superior.

So you don’t necessarily need to be able to completely remove nerves – you just need to sound as though you don’t have any!

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5 Surprising Ways to Build Up Your Confidence

5 Surprising Ways to Build Up Your Confidence

Build up your confidence through these 5 top tips! 

Think about how different your life could be if you went into every situation with unlimited confidence.

Luckily, there are strategies you can practice to increase your confidence.

1. Be Proud of Yourself
2. Be Decisive
3. Ask For Help When Necessary
4. Do Something Difficult Everyday
5. Help Others Whenever Possible

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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