Why Music Is Even Better for Your Health Than You Think

Listening to or playing music is a terrific way to unwind and explore your creative side. However, not many people know how healthy listening to and playing music truly is for your well-being. Here are a few more reasons to make music a regular part of your life.

Improves Healing

Music therapy is both mentally and physically healing. A good tune can help your blood rate and boost your mood, allowing you to think more clearly and experience improved memory. Other studies suggest that music affects your blood cells by changing their shape and helping to heal sick cells. Injured children and elderly adults alike can experience the healing power of music when they’re in treatment or resting at home. Music is also a mood elevator, and it is often used in therapy to help treat anxiety and depression.

Mental Health

When you listen to music, your feel-good brain chemicals, such as dopamine, take flight and improve your mood. In fact, music is even used in addiction therapy to help break bad habits. By concentrating on music and lyrics to cope with your mental health problems, you can both distract yourself and be more in tune as well. In fact, this is probably why people listen to music when they work out. A happy and energetic song is easy to get lost in and speeds up your progress when you can’t help but dance. Babies and children can be soothed as well as made to feel happier around taped and live music to bond with their parents and siblings.

Music Improves Performance

Listening to music improves your cognitive functions, stimulating your memory and mood. In certain studies, participants experienced higher test scores after listening to music while at their task. Instrumental music can act as background noise without the distraction of lyrics. Songs can also help students who are learning a new language when they can recite lyrics and sing along out loud instead of focusing on a textbook.

It’s never too late to pick up an instrument or sing a happy song in your car. The benefits of music are nearly endless, and many therapists prefer this method of using music to traditional counseling or as a valuable supplement. No matter your taste and style of music, a favorite tune can improve your health and mental well-being and influence you to succeed in the world.

If you’d like to experience the benefits of music for yourself or your kids, sign up for some of our singing lessons!

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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