Why perform?

We asked some professional musicians and music teachers this million dollar question.
Here’s what they had to say. 

Watch this short video to find out how performing helps students grow, achieve their goals and feel successful.

Getting the chance to perform what you have been working on is a great way to…

  • Celebrate your hard work
  • Practice performing in front of a safe group of fellow musicians
  • Learn from the experience both as a performer and audience member.
  • Build confidence!
“I love seeing the growth in each of my students and celebrating with them,” says Melissa Sondergeld-Hood, voice and piano teacher at Confident Voice Studio.
Piano teacher Western Li-Summerton believes performance is “beneficial for students because it shows them the power of their musical gifts. To know that your performance can create positive change in a listener creates meaning and value in a students music education.”

How does performing help students grow, achieve their goals and feel successful? 

When you perform, you learn a lot about yourself and the areas you need to grow in.

If you’ve set any musical or performance goals throughout your journey, a performance is the perfect opportunity to see how far you’ve come and assess were you can grow.

When you perform, you are exercising your ability to share an expression of yourself. Performing, like giving a speech or a presentation, builds your confidence.

What’s more, the process of learning and producing a finished product or piece of music presents a template for students to carry in to other aspects of their life.

Students learn to comprehend difficult aspects of learning, and to enjoy the process of polishing a song.

Fun Fact about Confident Voice Studio: Our Studio Members get to perform at four Performance Parties at no cost each year!

Ready to start your music journey in our award-winning program?

Join us for a free Private Virtual Meet and Greet to meet a member of our team, get your questions answered, and see what resources we might have to guide you in your musical journey.

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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