
8 Ways to Bring More Optimism into Your Life


8 Ways to Bring More Optimism into Your Life

There are ways to bring more optimism into your life. It’s true that due to genetics, some people are more optimistic than others. However, did you know that you can learn to become more optimistic?

If you are committed to being more optimistic, try these 8 ways to become more optimistic.

Practice Gratitude

If you tend to think negatively, try to turn your thoughts around by going general and appreciating the little.  “Going general” means finding the simplest thing you do not hate and mentally stating your appreciation for it.  This could be as simple as appreciating the cup of coffee you are drinking is still warm or still in its cup and not on your lap.  It could be that both of your shoes fit and do not have holes in them.  Your heartbeat all night without you thinking about it or consciously regulating it.  Sometimes going general and mentally appreciating the little things can help turn negativity around.

1. Turn Off Your News

You don’t have to be uninformed, but cable news is delivered with a lot of sensationalism, and sadly, most people respond more to negativity. That’s why it’s so negative. Get your news from local sources and avoid opinion news and infotainment.

2. Journal Your Gratitude Daily

Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside. Each evening write down three things that you’re grateful for today. You can do it quickly by using simple bullets to describe your gratitude.

3. Accept That You Can’t Control Everything

One thing that causes people to lose their hopefulness is loss of control. However, if you can accept that you can’t control everything that can help you be more accepting and therefore, more optimistic.

4. Acknowledge but Don’t Focus on Negativity

You cannot ignore negativity totally because they are often real things. It is sad when people die, money is lost, or a tornado blows down a house. It’s normal to feel sad, negative, and upset over these things. Don’t place all your focus here though, instead acknowledge what these negative moments are showing you and how you will grow from them.

5. Find Friends Who Are Positive Too

They say that birds of a feather flock together. If you have any friends or family members who are especially negative, try to limit your association with them and find more people to hang out with who are positive too.  Or, switch the conversation with your group of friends.  What if you and your friends looked at the positive side of life?  You might be surprised how all your moods begin to shift together.

7. Develop A Few Positivity Focused Affirmations

An affirmation is simply a statement of your intention for anything. Each day get up and say something positive such as “I am right where I am supposed to be,” “Everything is always working out for me,” “I love and appreciate where I am today because it is farther than I was yesterday.”

8. Become Solution Focused

When you focus on creating solutions for the things you do have control over, it’s naturally going to make you more optimistic as you experience more success.

Optimism is the ability to see the good in whatever is happening now. Even if you sometimes feel down due to something happening if you can think clearly about it while working through it, you’re still an optimistic person. There is nothing wrong with being optimistic about life. After all, most of the time, life is wonderful, especially when you learn to be grateful for the small stuff.

Try these out and let me know what changes you notice. Learn more at Confident Voice Studio.

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We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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