
Audition Tips You Never Knew

Audition Tips You Never Knew

As the number of people auditioning for the hit television series American Idol can certainly prove the amount of competition is increasing. This means that it is necessary to show up to the audition fully prepared to show exactly what you are capable of doing, and minimize any insecurity that you have. Your ultimate goal is to always walk away with one of the coveted Golden Tickets, but the reality is that they are hard to come by. This means taking as much time as possible to learn how to handle yourself during the audition to get the absolute best reception from the judges possible.

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Secrets of Fearless Performers

Secrets of Fearless Performers

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what stands in the way of reaching our musical goals besides the actual musical training.
Often discomfort and fear are the only things holding us back. It’s true for kids and adults. It’s okay to feel that way, because courage requires vulnerability.

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Self-Tape Success: Video Audition Training

Self-Tape Success: Video Audition Training

The world sure is different for us singers, wouldn’t you agree?

We’re hearing data from various sources that singing in groups, with no masks, is still months, maybe a year, away.

And yet art endures. Artists will endure.

Because an artist creates no matter the circumstances, because we can’t NOT create.

At Confident Voice Studio we’re doing more and more to keep singing actors performing during these trying times…like our world premiere virtual musical, The Show Must Go Online.

And you can expect more companies to follow suit with more virtual productions and more virtual or self-tape auditions.

Are you ready?

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.