Confidence & Self-Esteem

Top 10 Ways to Build Self-Esteem in Your Child

Top 10 Ways to Build Self-Esteem in Your Child

There are many ways of defining the concept of self-esteem. In general, the term encompasses the way we think and feel about ourselves and the way we evaluate ourselves. Sometimes it’s easy to notice when kids seem to feel good about themselves and when they don’t. Children with healthy self-esteem believe that they are deserving of love and they possess a readiness to face challenges in which they may not succeed. 

Be proactive. There are countless opportunities to make your child feel better or worse about himself. 

Many of the challenges that plague children are the result of low self-esteem. Depression, poor grades, drug usage, teenage pregnancy, fighting, and even suicide can be the result of low self-esteem. A child who has a strong sense of self-esteem will have a happier and more successful upbringing. Moreover, high self-esteem in childhood increases the likelihood of high self-esteem in adulthood.

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9 Tips to Help Your Child Appreciate Music and Enrich Their Life

9 Tips to Help Your Child Appreciate Music and Enrich Their Life

Are you a parent who’s concerned that your children may be missing out when it comes to music education? Here is the tips on how to Help Your Child Appreciate Music and Enrich Their Life.

Budget cuts in arts programs at public schools could limit your child’s opportunities to play an instrument or learn about the great composers.

Music plays a very vital role in everyone’s life. Whether it’s listening, performing, or playing, different people find different music genres friendly to them.

Keep in mind that music is best learned by doing, not by reading and writing. It increases brain power and memory, gives kids a form of artistic expression, improves creativity, can teach patience and discipline, and can be a wonderful confidence builder. We have plenty of resources, tips, and methods for parents to help kids understand music better. 

Help your child discover how music can enrich their life. Take a look at the benefits of raising a music lover, and find out how to share your love of music with your child.

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12 Proven Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence 

12 Proven Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence 

Consistently boost your child’s self-confidence. The idea of feeling good about a kid’s skills and abilities is referred to as child self-confidence. Occasionally, we certainly notice when kids seem to feel good about themselves and when they don’t. 

The world can be a confusing and challenging place. This is especially true for a child. Children don’t have a lot of control over their lives. They also have to spend all day with other children, who can be less than supportive and encouraging.

It’s your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your child has a healthy level of self-confidence.

As children grow and mature, that confidence can be as important as the skills themselves.

To thrive, kids need to trust in their capabilities while knowing that they can handle it if they aren’t successful at something. It is by experiencing mastery and rebounding from failure that they develop healthy self-confidence.

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How To Help Your Child Stop Negative Self-Talk

How To Help Your Child Stop Negative Self-Talk

All children occasionally criticize themselves. However, if their inner voice consistently uses poor language towards them, it may have a negative impact.

Negative self-talk can take many forms. It can seem realistic, such as “I’m not that good at this, so I shouldn’t really bother trying it,” or it can sound outright cruel, like “I can never do anything right!”. It may appear to be a realistic assessment of a situation at hand (e.g., “I barely passed that test. I guess I’m really not good at math.”), but it can quickly turn into a terrible declaration (“I’ll probably fail this class and never get into university”).

This negative self-talk disrupts our children’s productivity and life goals. If they constantly have negative thoughts in their head throughout the day, these thoughts might make them feel disappointed, angry, helpless, or depressed.

Parents should take it seriously when negative self-talk becomes frequent and causes issues at school or with friends. Eliminating negative self-talk is one of the most critical mindset shifts you can make in your child’s life. Although everyone seems to understand the importance of this change, the majority of people still struggle with it.

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5 Surprising Ways to Build Up Your Confidence

5 Surprising Ways to Build Up Your Confidence

Build up your confidence through these 5 top tips! 

Think about how different your life could be if you went into every situation with unlimited confidence.

Luckily, there are strategies you can practice to increase your confidence.

1. Be Proud of Yourself
2. Be Decisive
3. Ask For Help When Necessary
4. Do Something Difficult Everyday
5. Help Others Whenever Possible

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8 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Shyness

8 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Shyness

Do you notice that your teen prefers to stay at home alone rather than go out and spend time with friends? It’s conceivable that they are dealing with their shyness and are unclear about how to handle or overcome it.

Being shy isn’t a bad thing.

But when you have a shy teenager, it might be that they are suffering from low confidence. Teenagers who are timid may find it difficult to express themselves, participate in social activities, or even make new friends.

If you want to help your teenager overcome this limitation, it’s important to consider the teen’s feelings and use a gentle approach.

Getting rid of shyness can take time, so it’s crucial not to push your teen too far.
If you think your teen is letting their shyness get in the way of living their best life, Consider these strategies to help them triumph:

1. Take Time to Understand Them
2. Talk to your teen
3. Start slow
4. Develop real strategies together
5. Rehearse the strategies at home
6. Encourage positive thinking
7. Work on speaking up in different situations
8. Focus on activities the teen loves

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.