Empowered Kids

12 Ways Parents Can Help An Only Child Not Feel Lonely

12 Ways Parents Can Help An Only Child Not Feel Lonely

Having an only child gives you a mature, diligent, and conscientious little perfectionist—but it also comes with some tough parenting moments. 

Fifty years ago, people frequently saw only children as socially anxious, shy, pampered, and lonely. However, the tide has shifted, and as the percentage of only children increases, their status in society has risen. According to the Pew Research Center, 22% of youngsters lacked siblings once their mothers reached the end of childbearing age in 2015, compared with 11% in 1967.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. There are families with more than 12 children, and others with none. A small family differs dramatically from a large one and, consequently, comes with an entirely different set of challenges and rewards.

Being an only child has many advantages, but there are disadvantages, too.

Does being an only child mean you are destined to be lonely?

Definitely Not! It’s important to understand that not having more children isn’t hurting your only child and isn’t destined to be lonely, pampered, or spoiled.

As a parent, there is much you can do to help your child adapt to being an only child and suffer less loneliness.

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Top 10 Ways to Build Self-Esteem in Your Child

Top 10 Ways to Build Self-Esteem in Your Child

There are many ways of defining the concept of self-esteem. In general, the term encompasses the way we think and feel about ourselves and the way we evaluate ourselves. Sometimes it’s easy to notice when kids seem to feel good about themselves and when they don’t. Children with healthy self-esteem believe that they are deserving of love and they possess a readiness to face challenges in which they may not succeed. 

Be proactive. There are countless opportunities to make your child feel better or worse about himself. 

Many of the challenges that plague children are the result of low self-esteem. Depression, poor grades, drug usage, teenage pregnancy, fighting, and even suicide can be the result of low self-esteem. A child who has a strong sense of self-esteem will have a happier and more successful upbringing. Moreover, high self-esteem in childhood increases the likelihood of high self-esteem in adulthood.

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5 Tips to Help Your Child Live Authentically

5 Tips to Help Your Child Live Authentically

Helping your child live authentically will help them act like their true selves, resulting in increased happiness, improved self-esteem, and better relationships.

Authenticity is not something that you have; it’s something that you choose. But why is authenticity important? Why is it important for your child?

How exactly can you teach your child the value of an authentic life? These tips can help your children act like their genuine selves:

1. Live acceptance yourself
2. Show them the relevance of a genuine existence for themselves
3.Make your child feel loved and valued
4. Eliminate the social masks
5. Be the standard of authenticity

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12 Proven Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence 

12 Proven Tips to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence 

Consistently boost your child’s self-confidence. The idea of feeling good about a kid’s skills and abilities is referred to as child self-confidence. Occasionally, we certainly notice when kids seem to feel good about themselves and when they don’t. 

The world can be a confusing and challenging place. This is especially true for a child. Children don’t have a lot of control over their lives. They also have to spend all day with other children, who can be less than supportive and encouraging.

It’s your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your child has a healthy level of self-confidence.

As children grow and mature, that confidence can be as important as the skills themselves.

To thrive, kids need to trust in their capabilities while knowing that they can handle it if they aren’t successful at something. It is by experiencing mastery and rebounding from failure that they develop healthy self-confidence.

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Tips on How To Raise an Assertive and Respectful Daughter

Tips on How To Raise an Assertive and Respectful Daughter

A strong, healthy communication style can be great for any child to learn. Being assertive is a good skill to learn, as it can help you express your thoughts and feelings to others, both positively and negatively. 

A few simple strategies for teaching your child to be assertive involve practicing active listening and helping them develop emotional intelligence.

As a parent, you can help your child walk the line between being too bossy and being too passive. Try these tips to help your daughter become assertive and respectful:

Building Confidence:
1. Understand the needs of your child
2. Advocate for independence
3. Ask instead of telling
4. Take risks
5. Be authentic
6. Think positive

Showing Consideration and Respect for Others:
1. Practice active listening
2. Cultivate Patience
3. Work as a Team
4. Resolve Conflicts

Other Tips:
1. Model Assertiveness. 
2. Target Key Areas
3. Keep at it
4. Have Fun

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5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline

5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline

Discover the value of self-discipline that can shape your child’s journey to responsibility and self-mastery.

Self-discipline is an essential skill that parents should teach their children early in life. It helps them resist unhealthy temptations, endure discomfort associated with goal-setting, and delayed gratification.

The best way to teach your child self-discipline is by consistently setting reasonable and attainable expectations for them through consistent communication and reinforcement that help shape positive behavior.

Children who acquire self-discipline tend to have higher academic achievements, better decision-making skills, and stronger relationships with others.

By instilling self-discipline in your child, you are setting them up for a better future and building a solid foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship.

Learn the secrets to nurturing a sense of self-discipline in your child with these effective tips:

1. Build self-discipline into a routine.
2. Explain the reason for your rules.
3. Set consequences for their actions.
4. Reward good behavior.
5. Make self-discipline a habit.

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6 Tips To Help Your Child Through Transitions

6 Tips To Help Your Child Through Transitions

Transitions are a part of growing up. The older they get, the more complex the changes are that happen around children. As a parent, it isn’t easy to see your child go through challenging times. It’s also hard at times to avoid taking their behavior personally, but it’s important to remember that they are going through many changes and need your support.

Here are six techniques that can help your child to move through transitions easily and successfully:

1. Understand what they are going through
2. Don’t take their behavior personally
3. Let them know you are there for them
4. Help them find their support network
5. Encourage them to stay connected to hobbies and interests outside the home
6. Keep the lines of communication open

Transitions can be difficult for everyone, but especially for children. By understanding their situation and supporting them in finding their support network, you, as a parent, may help your child through these changes.

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6 Ways to Build Strong Character and Integrity in Children

6 Ways to Build Strong Character and Integrity in Children

We live in a society where values and ideals aren’t necessarily the epitome of integrity. As parents, we are unable to shield our children from the various social problems and vices that exist. But we can teach them and inculcate in them the value of integrity. 

Integrity is crucial, yet becoming less common in modern society. It can be difficult to convince your kids that the ideal behavior is the opposite of what they observe.

However, you have a significant amount of power and a mostly captive audience as a parent. You may resist societal pressure and prepare your child for a life of integrity.

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.