

6 Healthy Tips to Avoid Holiday Family Drama

6 Healthy Tips to Avoid Holiday Family Drama

Holiday family drama is inevitable nowadays. During the holidays, it’s normal to indulge in joyous celebrations, tempting dishes, and the company of your loving family. Although this is the ideal, picture-perfect holiday sight, most families live in a far different scene.

If you’re sick and tired of dealing with holiday drama year after year, this is the perfect time to put a stop to your holiday fears.

Try these Five Tips to avoid unnecessary drama this holiday season:

1. Understand Your Expectations
2. Set Your Personal Boundaries Ahead of Time
3. Know Your Wants And Needs
4. Accept Your Family As They Are
5. Feel the Feels
6. Compromise

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7 Practical Strategies to Avoid Being Distracted

7 Practical Strategies to Avoid Being Distracted

Focus is the new superpower. Think about it.
How many times has someone asked you a question, but didn’t hear your response because they were distracted by their smartphone?
They couldn’t focus on your response for five seconds, and they actually wanted to know the answer!
If you want to have a huge advantage in your life, I believe learning how to avoid being distracted is key….for kids and adults.

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Tips For Parents On Managing Holiday Stress

Tips For Parents On Managing Holiday Stress

Managing holiday stress seems inevitable—that whirlwind of holiday parties, gift-giving, and activities galore that begins right after Halloween, builds to Thanksgiving, and continues to gain momentum through the end of the year.

Adults know that the holidays are stressful, often bringing unwelcome guests—stress and depression. According to a C.S. survey, one in five parents claim that their stress levels ruin the holidays for their children. We want to think of the holidays as joyful, but they can also be a challenging time for many families.

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5 Tips to Help Your Child Live Authentically

5 Tips to Help Your Child Live Authentically

Helping your child live authentically will help them act like their true selves, resulting in increased happiness, improved self-esteem, and better relationships.

Authenticity is not something that you have; it’s something that you choose. But why is authenticity important? Why is it important for your child?

How exactly can you teach your child the value of an authentic life? These tips can help your children act like their genuine selves:

1. Live acceptance yourself
2. Show them the relevance of a genuine existence for themselves
3.Make your child feel loved and valued
4. Eliminate the social masks
5. Be the standard of authenticity

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How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Really Nervous

How to Speak With Confidence When You’re Really Nervous

Are you a confident speaker or performer who commands the stage, or do jitters get in your way? Here’s how to overcome your nerves and speak with confidence.

When dealing with anxiety and stress, one question you could ask yourself is why does it matter?

Why does it really matter if people can tell that you’re anxious?

Does it really matter if you’re understandably nervous during a big presentation or event?

The answer is probably not but the reason it impacts us is that it undermines our social standing. When you sound anxious or nervous, it suggests that you don’t have confidence in what you’re saying. In turn, this makes other people less likely to trust you and it makes them less likely to think of you as a good leader, as a good employee, or as someone they’d like to date. If someone is nervous around you, it suggests that they perceive you as their superior.

So you don’t necessarily need to be able to completely remove nerves – you just need to sound as though you don’t have any!

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8 Effective Tips to Manage Your Anxiety

8 Effective Tips to Manage Your Anxiety

Why is it important that you manage your anxiety properly?

In this world, we have tons of reasons to worry. There’s no denying about it. But did you know that a little bit of worrying can actually be beneficial? It can keep us focused and help us address potential problems.

On the other hand, excessive and persistent worrying can lead to anxiety and harm our mental health.

We’ve all heard that we should breathe deeply when we’re feeling anxious, but there are other possible solutions you may have never considered.

Let’s explore some ways to keep our worries in check and prevent them from taking over our lives.

Try these ideas to deal with anxiety in a way that works for you:

1. Practice deep breathing
2. Stay present
3. Exercise regularly
4. Get enough sleep
5. Practice self-care
6. Challenge your thoughts
7. Connect with others
8. Seek professional help if needed

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Tips on How To Raise an Assertive and Respectful Daughter

Tips on How To Raise an Assertive and Respectful Daughter

A strong, healthy communication style can be great for any child to learn. Being assertive is a good skill to learn, as it can help you express your thoughts and feelings to others, both positively and negatively. 

A few simple strategies for teaching your child to be assertive involve practicing active listening and helping them develop emotional intelligence.

As a parent, you can help your child walk the line between being too bossy and being too passive. Try these tips to help your daughter become assertive and respectful:

Building Confidence:
1. Understand the needs of your child
2. Advocate for independence
3. Ask instead of telling
4. Take risks
5. Be authentic
6. Think positive

Showing Consideration and Respect for Others:
1. Practice active listening
2. Cultivate Patience
3. Work as a Team
4. Resolve Conflicts

Other Tips:
1. Model Assertiveness. 
2. Target Key Areas
3. Keep at it
4. Have Fun

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5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline

5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline

Discover the value of self-discipline that can shape your child’s journey to responsibility and self-mastery.

Self-discipline is an essential skill that parents should teach their children early in life. It helps them resist unhealthy temptations, endure discomfort associated with goal-setting, and delayed gratification.

The best way to teach your child self-discipline is by consistently setting reasonable and attainable expectations for them through consistent communication and reinforcement that help shape positive behavior.

Children who acquire self-discipline tend to have higher academic achievements, better decision-making skills, and stronger relationships with others.

By instilling self-discipline in your child, you are setting them up for a better future and building a solid foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship.

Learn the secrets to nurturing a sense of self-discipline in your child with these effective tips:

1. Build self-discipline into a routine.
2. Explain the reason for your rules.
3. Set consequences for their actions.
4. Reward good behavior.
5. Make self-discipline a habit.

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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