6 Ways to Build Strong Character and Integrity in Children

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6 Ways to Build Strong Character and Integrity in Children

We live in a society where values and ideals aren’t necessarily the epitome of integrity. As parents, we are unable to shield our children from the various social problems and vices that exist. But we can teach them and inculcate in them the value of integrity. 

Integrity is crucial, yet becoming less common in modern society. It can be difficult to convince your kids that the ideal behavior is the opposite of what they observe.

However, you have a significant amount of power and a mostly captive audience as a parent. You may resist societal pressure and prepare your child for a life of integrity.

Here are some pointers to help you teach your child the value of integrity.

1. Avoid asking your children to lie for you. 

These lies seem innocent enough and can be a problem later on if they feel pressured into saying something false. The tough part about being a parent is that we all lie sometimes. But you can’t excuse it and certainly shouldn’t ask your children to. 

  • Before you ask them to lie for you, take a moment to think about how you would feel if they knew that you were lying but refused to tell anyone. That could hurt their feelings and make them question their loyalty or trustworthiness.
  • When you ask your child to lie, you are showing them that lying is acceptable under certain circumstances. It’s not easy to determine when lying is acceptable and when it’s not, so it’s easiest to just avoid lying.

2. Avoid allowing your children to witness you lying. 

Kids, who are naturally curious, may sometimes want to see their parents in a compromising situation. The ability to accept the results of their actions is crucial for them to learn. You need to take control and prevent your child from witnessing you lying.

When your children see you being dishonest, they’ll either conclude that lying is acceptable or that you’re not an honorable person. 

  • Nobody is always truthful, but that doesn’t mean you should lie to your kids during their childhood.
  • Before you lie in front of your kids, always think about the consequences.

3. Drive the speed limit. 

This is a tough one for many, but a law is a law. How can you explain to your child that some laws are acceptable to break while others are not? You might have to leave the house a few minutes earlier, but some things are more important than driving quickly.

You can’t always explain to your child why some laws are okay to break and others aren’t. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Laws are made to keep people safe and obey them, but sometimes doing what is right isn’t as simple as it sounds or as fun as it might appear.

4. Explain the drawbacks of dishonesty.

Lying can seem like an easy way out. So, it’s important to clarify how and why dishonesty can cause problems. Here are a few reasons:

  • People will doubt your honesty and sincerity in the future if you get caught. 
  • You can hurt the feelings of others or make people feel bad. 
  • Lying to the wrong people can hurt you in school, at work, with the law or with the police.

5. Set a good example. 

Although they may not be listening intently to your every word, your children are undoubtedly watching you. When you do something that you instructed them not to do themselves, they catch on.

  • Being an example of integrity is the simplest method to teach it. You are already aware of right and wrong. You simply need to live it. Your kids will observe this and imitate your actions.
  • Have you ever considered how many traits you inherit from your parents, including attitudes, habits, and behaviors? Even though you might not like it, you can anticipate the same thing with your own children. Think forward and lead by example.

6. Develop a sense of responsibility in your child. 

Every child who is older than three years old is allowed to have a few easy jobs, like putting their dirty clothes in the hamper. Instruct your kids to honor their commitments. They should be held accountable for their work, their words, and their deeds. Think about appropriate rewards and punishments based on the situation.


It’s important to teach your children that honesty is an important value. It’s not a short-term activity. Teaching integrity is something that you do each day through your words and actions. Setting a good example for your children is half the battle. 

Give your children this gift and make integrity a priority in your family. If they’re taught to believe in honesty and integrity, they’ll have a difficult time lying even when it seems to be the right thing to do.

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