
10 Ways to Reduce Burn Out

Can you believe it’s almost been a year since the world shut down because of COVID-19?

Somedays is seems like the year flew by.

Other days it feel like it will never end.

And you may be experiencing some burnout.

You may be exhausted, moody, and ready to give up.

You may be prone to emotional outbursts, falling asleep in the wrong place, and unable to focus and concentrate.

(Or maybe that’s just me?)

Here’s some tips I’ve found to be helpful for reducing burnout and staying sane right now.

1. Know Your Why – If you don’t know why you are doing something, it can feel like it’s unnecessary and then that can make you feel pressured. Understanding the reasons for doing what you need to do will change everything about your life because you will know that you are doing it for a reason.

2. Systemize and Eliminate – Use automation like bill pay with your bank, set up automatic delivery of items that you use regularly, and eliminate anything you don’t really and truly need.

3. Exercise & Eat Right – No one can work or live their life fully if they are not healthy. Part of being healthy is eating right and exercising. Eat in a way that makes you feel best and exercise in a way that works for you. Many people swear by Yoga for calming their mind and reshaping their body.

4. Get Enough Sleep – Honestly there isn’t much that’s more important than getting a good night’s sleep consistently. Sleeping at least 6 to 9 hours a night is a necessity that you really cannot skip. The trick is to figure out what time is optimal for you.

5. Actively Manage Your Time – Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. It’s all how you manage your time that matters. Stop doing things that don’t make a difference and keep doing things that do. Use your calendar and schedule everything important to you from business to personal.

6. Be Sociable –  ♬ People, people who need people. ♬  It’s not just a song. Even if you are an introvert, you still need to be around other people. Find a group you like being around that fits your needs and personality and make it part of your schedule to join them safely on zoom or distanced and masked in person.

7. Sing! – Put on your favorite songs and sing for the joy of it. The breathing will activate the parasympathetic response in your body which will lower your blood pressure, and all kind of other good physical benefits. If you can dance at the same time that’s great too. Get the body moving and grooving.

8. Schedule Everything Including Downtime – Use your calendar to schedule everything that you do, including your personal life. If you want to ensure you have time to play Yahtzee with your child, schedule it in.

Burnout doesn’t have to happen. You can stop it before it starts by setting up your life to use time realistically.

You can systemize, eliminate, and organize your life enough that you won’t need to feel as if you have no control over anything.

Instead, you will be able to get just as much done while being realistic and avoiding burnout.

If you’re feeling this way, I can help even more than the tips above. Reply and let me know. I have some resources that can help you.

Learn more at Confident Voice Studio.

About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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Tips on How To Raise an Assertive and Respectful Daughter

A strong, healthy communication style can be great for any child to learn. Being assertive is a good skill to learn, as it can help you express your thoughts and feelings to others, both positively and negatively. 

A few simple strategies for teaching your child to be assertive involve practicing active listening and helping them develop emotional intelligence.

As a parent, you can help your child walk the line between being too bossy and being too passive. Try these tips to help your daughter become assertive and respectful:

Building Confidence:
1. Understand the needs of your child
2. Advocate for independence
3. Ask instead of telling
4. Take risks
5. Be authentic
6. Think positive

Showing Consideration and Respect for Others:
1. Practice active listening
2. Cultivate Patience
3. Work as a Team
4. Resolve Conflicts

Other Tips:
1. Model Assertiveness. 
2. Target Key Areas
3. Keep at it
4. Have Fun

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