3 Ways Music Can Help You Raise A Good Human How music teaches patience, responsibility, empathy, and one more bonus...
5 Tips to Reduce Your (and Your Child’s) Holiday Stress
Enjoy the Holiday Without the Stress!
Every holiday really is the best of times and the worst of times. As the holiday season approaches, your stress level will undoubtedly escalate. Our tidings of joy and comfort can so easily be devoured by the relentless stress of doing it all, getting it all, and buying it all.
In addition to your regular work schedule, home and kids, you’ve got more shopping to do, menus to plan, and food to prepare. And because stress can ripple out to our spouse, children, coworkers, and others, the benefits of reducing it ripple out to others too. The good news is that you can still lower your holiday stress even with all the extra activities and preparations.
To help you along your journey, here are some proven strategies to help you decrease your holiday stress.
1. Start your holiday planning and preparations earlier.
2. Scale down your holiday plans.
3. Take time-saving shortcuts.
4. Acknowledge that everything doesn’t need to be perfect.
5. Decide on your course of action
How To Get Noticed As A Singer
Some singers catapulted to stardom rather quickly, some sparkled, flickered a little and then faded into obscurity while most singers stayed the same for years if not forever at mediocrity level?
Why is it that most singers never make it big in their singing career, not to say becoming superstars? Well, for starters, most singers begin their career as a lounge singer, singing in small clubs and belting out cover versions of established and popular singers. They selection of songs will be dictated by their audiences and so they must cover a wide genre of songs.
Get started now!
What’s something you continue to tell yourself you’ll do over and over?
What’s stopping you from doing it––excuses, procrastination, you…
How to Find a Voice Teacher
Just like everything else, choosing the right voice teacher can make or break your singing career or ambition....
6 Ways To Keep The Critic Inside You At Bay
Have you heard the adage, “Everyone is a critic?" It’s true. And, the biggest critic of all is staring right back at...
Congrats to director Deanna Maio on her Sparkle Award!
Congrats to our Director Deanna Maio on her Sparkle Recognition for the 2019-2020 Season! This recognition comes from...
Why Does it Matter?
Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches us to break down our fears into their underlying beliefs. We are afraid of X...