confident voice studio

5 Surprising Ways to Build Up Your Confidence

5 Surprising Ways to Build Up Your Confidence

Build up your confidence through these 5 top tips! 

Think about how different your life could be if you went into every situation with unlimited confidence.

Luckily, there are strategies you can practice to increase your confidence.

1. Be Proud of Yourself
2. Be Decisive
3. Ask For Help When Necessary
4. Do Something Difficult Everyday
5. Help Others Whenever Possible

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Grit Is the Strongest Predictor of Future Success

Grit Is the Strongest Predictor of Future Success

Grit is the strongest predictor for future success in an individual; grit overcomes wit and ability every time. Studies have proven that given a group with equal IQ scores and ability, those with grit will beat out their counterparts.

You can use your past experiences to influence your current or future situations by calling on the skills you created when you had to fight to overcome so you can rise out of a difficult time…

✔Bounding back after a bad audition or performance
✔Finding out you didn’t the get the role or job when you really wanted it
✔That time you had to say goodbye to someone you loved
✔That season you didn’t sleep when your baby was small and you had to    be at work
✔Being in boot camp or on tour during your military career
✔Working menial jobs and creating a budget with little income
✔Being a single parent with no support
✔Overcoming a medical event
✔Bringing your credit back after bankruptcy

If you have endured loss and came out the other side, you have undoubtedly developed grit.

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How To Sing “From The Diaphragm”

How To Sing “From The Diaphragm”

You must have heard people saying “Sing from your diaphragm”, but what exactly do they mean? How can your diaphragm sing? What they actually mean is to use your diaphragm to control your singing breath.

Well, you must actually practice with good vocal exercises to perfect your singing breath. Singing from the diaphragm is a complex muscle/breath coordination that many singing teachers find it difficult for their students to words effectively. That is why there is so much confusion on this topic.

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Top 4 Stress Relief Strategies for Your Family

Top 4 Stress Relief Strategies for Your Family

There are many stress relief strategies available that can be used depending on the individual and their circumstances.

The Top 4 Family Stress Relievers are:

1. Communicate by speaking directly to your family.
2. Learn what love language your children and spouse speak.
3. Spend quality time together as a family with a family day or family game night.
4. Openly discuss your finances and financial situation with your family.

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10 Ways to Reduce Burn Out

10 Ways to Reduce Burn Out

Can you believe it’s almost been a year since the world shut down because of COVID-19?

Somedays is seems like the year flew by.

Other days it feel like it will never end.

And you may be experiencing some burnout.

You may be exhausted, moody, and ready to give up.

You may be prone to emotional outbursts, falling asleep in the wrong place, and unable to focus and concentrate. 

(Or maybe that’s just me?)

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7 Easy Ways to Stay Calm Under Pressure

7 Easy Ways to Stay Calm Under Pressure

Knowing how to stay calm under pressure is important. In an ever-changing world where stress is a constant companion, those who can maintain their composure in the face of difficulties are admired for it. You may have seen this trait demonstrated by someone you know and wondered: ‘How do they stay so cool under pressure?’.

While everyone has a different threshold for dealing with stress, you can greatly enhance your ability to stay relaxed in all situations.

With practice, there’s no reason why anyone couldn’t learn to stand strong amidst life’s storms – just as serenely as if basking on a beach.

Control your reaction to stress with these strategies:

1. Maintain a positive perspective
2. Create an alter ego
3. Respond slowly
4. Build your self-confidence
5. Smile
6. Practice having a present-moment mindset
7. Relax your body and breathe deeply

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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