Keeping your child's instrument secure will ultimately be their job. However, because an instrument can be an...
Why Stress Isn’t Always a Bad Thing
If you’re trying to breathe and stay calm in more stressful situations and generally remain cooler under pressure, then you’ll often be approaching the idea of stress as something ‘bad’ that you need to ‘fix’ or address.
Actually though, this is the wrong way to think about stress and it’s even responsible for some of the issues associated with it. The perception is that stress makes us less confident, less able to make decisions and generally weaker.
10 Quotes To Inspire You
When you are going through difficult times, when the news is negative, or when you are simply tired and discouraged, it can be hard to summon optimism.
Develop a Night-Time Routine for Better, Deeper Sleep
A good night’s sleep is essential to our health and wellbeing. Adults need seven to eight hours of sleep every night...
Grit and Your Career (for Musicians and Other Creatives)
Being able to withstand criticism (super important when you’re in our industry), get creative, and solve problems that others can’t or won’t solve will catapult you to new heights, leaving the others back on the ground to watch in amazement.
How To Warm Up And Cool Down When Singing
Warming up and cooling down before and after singing is crucial in preserving a healthy singing voice. If you don’t warm up and cool down your voice, you risk damaging your vocal cords and sometimes permanently so.
Self-Tape Success: Video Audition Training
The world sure is different for us singers, wouldn’t you agree?
We’re hearing data from various sources that singing in groups, with no masks, is still months, maybe a year, away.
And yet art endures. Artists will endure.
Because an artist creates no matter the circumstances, because we can’t NOT create.
At Confident Voice Studio we’re doing more and more to keep singing actors performing during these trying times…like our world premiere virtual musical, The Show Must Go Online.
And you can expect more companies to follow suit with more virtual productions and more virtual or self-tape auditions.
Are you ready?
5 Effective Tips to Teach Your Child the Value of Self-Discipline
Discover the value of self-discipline that can shape your child’s journey to responsibility and self-mastery.
Self-discipline is an essential skill that parents should teach their children early in life. It helps them resist unhealthy temptations, endure discomfort associated with goal-setting, and delayed gratification.
The best way to teach your child self-discipline is by consistently setting reasonable and attainable expectations for them through consistent communication and reinforcement that help shape positive behavior.
Children who acquire self-discipline tend to have higher academic achievements, better decision-making skills, and stronger relationships with others.
By instilling self-discipline in your child, you are setting them up for a better future and building a solid foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship.
Learn the secrets to nurturing a sense of self-discipline in your child with these effective tips:
1. Build self-discipline into a routine.
2. Explain the reason for your rules.
3. Set consequences for their actions.
4. Reward good behavior.
5. Make self-discipline a habit.