
No Tears Bedtime Routine for Kids

Bedtime routine for kids

No Tears Bedtime Routine for Kids

3 Tips to Beat the Bedtime Struggle

Bedtime routine for kids often go out the window once summertime begins.  After all, summertime with kids is all about late night movie nights, bare feet, gazing at stars, spending as much time outside as possible, vacations, swimming, and so many more good times.

But, like all good things, summertime must also end, and the school year must start again.  This means you now must convince your little one to get to bed at a decent hour, preferably with as little struggle as possible.  And preferably in a way that helps further build your child’s confidence and security.


How can you help your child sleep soundly, in their own bed, and through the entire night?  Better yet, how can you accomplish this new earlier bedtime without tears and tantrums?


Here are 3 suggestions to help you beat the bedtime woes starting out this school year.


1) Burn off their energy during the day for less struggle during bedtime.

Burn off your kids energy for an easier bedtime

One reason children refuse bedtime, or to sleep in their own bed, is that they have accumulated a lot of energy during the day and feel uneasy at bedtime. Not knowing how to deal with the situation, they need the company of their parents (who provide them with security) to fall asleep.

If this is the case with your little one, it’s essential to make sure they have an activity during the day to burn off this excess energy.

Try activities such as:
  • Playing in a park, biking, skateboarding, etc.
  • You can have your child practice a sport, such as soccer, basketball, or another sport of choice, with children their age.
  • The arts are also an excellent tool for channeling large amounts of energy: dance and music (learning an instrument) are very beneficial for your child to invest all that energy in learning new skills and developing their talent.

Need specific ideas to channel your child’s energy?  Check out “3 Fun Creative Activities for Kids” that will ignite your child’s brainpower and channel their energy.

All these options will contribute to your little one’s willingness to rest in bed when it’s time to go to sleep.


2) A pre-bedtime routine for kids can help your child relax when it’s time.

Bedtime routine that includes a bedtime story can help your child fall asleep faster.

Children benefit significantly from having routines.  The certainty of knowing what should happen throughout their day gives them security.

For more on this, you can check out our blog post on “How Routines Benefit Children” and this article by Melbourne Child Psychology on “The Importance of Routine in Childhood“.

Since routine helps kids relax because they know what to expect, why not set up a bedtime routine?

Here is a suggested series of pre-bedtime steps, which you can modify to fit you and your child:
  • At the same time, every day, have your child take a bath at a temperature they like to help them relax.
  • Have them wear comfortable clothes to help them rest better.
  • Make sure the temperature of your child’s room is comfortable (ideally cool).
  • Keep screens, cell phones, or tablets away at least 2 hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.
  • Depending on the need, leave a dim light, or if you prefer, you can open the curtain a little so that the room is not entirely dark.
  • Allow them to take a stuffed animal, blanket, or toy of choice to bed. This element is beneficial for your child to feel accompanied and reduce fears.
  • Read a story or tell a story.

Also, keep in mind, for your child to have a routine, it is necessary to gradually introduce the activities that are part of it.  So start with a few off the list, then gradually add more as you see fit.

As you establish your bedtime routine, you will see how your child will get used to it little by little, and bedtime will become a pleasant experience for you both.


3) Use music to lull your child to sleep as part of a bedtime routine

Singing lullabies and playing relaxing classical music can help your child sleep better.

Another element that you can incorporate into your child’s bedtime routine is singing songs to lull them to sleep.

If you have young children, they will love it if you sing them songs to lull them to sleep.

There is nothing more soothing for your child than hearing their parent’s voice in a sweet melody.

By the way, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a song written and composed by an artist.

It can be a song invented by you.

Sing it softly, and you will see how your little one will start to relax, which will help them fall asleep.

Or, if you prefer, you can play classical music in the background.

Try some of these pieces of music:
  • “Lullaby,” by composer Johannes Brahms (known as “To Sleep”).
  • “Moonlight,” by Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • “Cannon”, by Johann Pachelbel.
  • “For Elise” (“Für Elise”), also by Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • “Estrellita” (“Little Star”) (with some variations composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), etc.

Music has a great capacity to relax and produce a feeling of well-being in people.

So, undoubtedly, it is a great benefit that your child has contact with music from an early age.

In addition, you can give them the opportunity to learn to play these same melodies that they already know and that evoke positive experiences from their life.

You will be able to see for yourself that music is an ally to provide your child with endless fun, while developing skills that serve them into their adulthood.

That’s why Confident Voice Studio invites you to take a FREE demo class.  Our teachers are ready to help you choose the ideal instrument for your child, according to their tastes and aptitudes.  We call this demo class an Exploration Lesson, and it’s totally FREE to you.

If you have not already, you can click the link and schedule your FREE Exploration Lesson today. Let Confident Voice Studio help step into your parenting corner and channel your child’s fantastic energy for an easier bedtime routine for you both.


Confident Voice Studio

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We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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