Being able to withstand criticism (super important when you’re in our industry), get creative, and solve problems that others can’t or won’t solve will catapult you to new heights, leaving the others back on the ground to watch in amazement.
Brain Foods for the Healthy Singer
If you choose your foods wisely, you’ll find it can make a significant difference to your brain function and overall mental performance.
Grit and Your Career (for Musicians and Other Creatives)
Being able to withstand criticism (super important when you’re in our industry), get creative, and solve problems that others can’t or won’t solve will catapult you to new heights, leaving the others back on the ground to watch in amazement.
Self-Tape Success: Video Audition Training
The world sure is different for us singers, wouldn’t you agree?
We’re hearing data from various sources that singing in groups, with no masks, is still months, maybe a year, away.
And yet art endures. Artists will endure.
Because an artist creates no matter the circumstances, because we can’t NOT create.
At Confident Voice Studio we’re doing more and more to keep singing actors performing during these trying times…like our world premiere virtual musical, The Show Must Go Online.
And you can expect more companies to follow suit with more virtual productions and more virtual or self-tape auditions.
Are you ready?
Grit Is the Strongest Predictor of Future Success
Grit is the strongest predictor for future success in an individual; grit overcomes wit and ability every time. Studies have proven that given a group with equal IQ scores and ability, those with grit will beat out their counterparts.
You can use your past experiences to influence your current or future situations by calling on the skills you created when you had to fight to overcome so you can rise out of a difficult time…
✔Bounding back after a bad audition or performance
✔Finding out you didn’t the get the role or job when you really wanted it
✔That time you had to say goodbye to someone you loved
✔That season you didn’t sleep when your baby was small and you had to   be at work
✔Being in boot camp or on tour during your military career
✔Working menial jobs and creating a budget with little income
✔Being a single parent with no support
✔Overcoming a medical event
✔Bringing your credit back after bankruptcy
If you have endured loss and came out the other side, you have undoubtedly developed grit.
iPhone Apps We Love for Singers and Other Musicians
As a music studio founder, director, and teacher, these iPhone apps are absolute essentials when it comes to teaching...
5 Tips to Encourage Positive Behavior in Teenagers
5 Tips to Encourage Positive Behavior in Teenagers Positive behavior in teenagers is important as it allows them to...
8 Essential Life Skills to Ensure Your Child’s Success
Essential life skills are important and should be nurtured in every child. Learning how to be successful is one of the most important things you can do for your children. Everyone has to learn these skills on their own to succeed in life. We can all think of examples of nice, intelligent, capable people that can’t seem to get their lives together.
Teaching them early will ensure that they’re not feeling lost when they reach adulthood, and prevents them from having to cope with the struggles of being a late bloomer.