
10 Ways to Reduce Burn Out

10 Ways to Reduce Burn Out

Can you believe it’s almost been a year since the world shut down because of COVID-19?

Somedays is seems like the year flew by.

Other days it feel like it will never end.

And you may be experiencing some burnout.

You may be exhausted, moody, and ready to give up.

You may be prone to emotional outbursts, falling asleep in the wrong place, and unable to focus and concentrate. 

(Or maybe that’s just me?)

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7 Easy Ways to Stay Calm Under Pressure

7 Easy Ways to Stay Calm Under Pressure

Knowing how to stay calm under pressure is important. In an ever-changing world where stress is a constant companion, those who can maintain their composure in the face of difficulties are admired for it. You may have seen this trait demonstrated by someone you know and wondered: ‘How do they stay so cool under pressure?’.

While everyone has a different threshold for dealing with stress, you can greatly enhance your ability to stay relaxed in all situations.

With practice, there’s no reason why anyone couldn’t learn to stand strong amidst life’s storms – just as serenely as if basking on a beach.

Control your reaction to stress with these strategies:

1. Maintain a positive perspective
2. Create an alter ego
3. Respond slowly
4. Build your self-confidence
5. Smile
6. Practice having a present-moment mindset
7. Relax your body and breathe deeply

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12 Tips to Help Your Children Deal with Disappointment

12 Tips to Help Your Children Deal with Disappointment

Disappointment is a normal part of life. Whether it’s a trip to the playground or there are no more chocolate sprinkles at the ice cream shop, life is full of little and big disappointments. And as much as we’d like to spare our kids from failure and heartbreak, we can’t—and that’s a good thing.

It’s enough to make anyone feel a little sad and discouraged. It is also natural for parents to want to shield children from such unpleasant situations. However, dealing with losses can be a beneficial experience, and kids can really learn from being disappointed, especially when you teach them how to bounce back. 

How can you guide your children without taking over?

Try these techniques to talk with your kids about their disappointments…

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3 Tips to Stop Stressing Over The Things That Are Out Of Your Control

3 Tips to Stop Stressing Over The Things That Are Out Of Your Control

You are probably familiar with the Serenity Prayer: 
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
This prayer, written in the early 1930s by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, contains deep wisdom.

Don’t believe in God? No problem. Just take out “God grant me” and replace with “I embody” and it becomes a powerful affirmation.
It’s the sentiment that’s important here.

It’s pointless to waste energy struggling against things that are out of your control, but it’s equally pointless to sit around and do nothing about things you can change.

Unfortunately – this is why it’s a prayer – this advice can be easier said than done. 

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Do you Overthink?

Do you Overthink?

In the last 23 years working with singers there’s one thing I see getting in their way that has NOTHING to do with the vocal instrument, musicianship, or performance. 

It’s overthinking. 

Overthinking has two main forms:

ruminating about the past and…

worrying about the future.

Because overthinkers spend so much time in the past and the future,

they rarely spend time in the only place where they can take useful action:

the present. 

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5 Tips to Strengthen Your Child’s Emotional Health and Happiness

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Child’s Emotional Health and Happiness

Nurturing your child’s emotional health is essential for happy, healthy kids. During the formative years of childhood, emotional health and identity are largely shaped. Their sense of well-being as well as their physical and cognitive growth may be negatively affected if this foundation is not properly established.

Three main factors play an essential role in how well kids can manage their emotions, gain perspective, and develop resilience.

These factors include having close relationships with their parents, receiving appropriate parenting, and having strong social and emotional skills.

When parents are a source of warmth and unconditional love, kids usually develop a positive attitude toward life.

How can you strengthen your child’s emotional health? These tips can help:

1.Spend time with your kids.
2. Train your children to be “fluent at feelings.”
3. Avoid labeling your children when you discipline them.
4. Encourage them to think positively.
5. Let them know it’s okay for life to be difficult sometimes.

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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