confident voice studio

5 Tips to Empower Your Parenting Skills in the New Year

5 Tips to Empower Your Parenting Skills in the New Year

Parenting Skills in the New Year

As we step into the New Year, we make new promises. As a parent, you may want to know some interesting tips for empowering your parenting skills and continuing to find growth in your parenting.

Make Resolutions for the New Year

Why do people usually create new resolutions for the new year?

Making meaningful resolutions at the beginning of a brand-new year is important. And it is much more essential to accomplish them by the end of the year.

However, parents frequently forget the things they have resolved because of their busy schedules. To avoid this from happening, these should be written down or printed on small flash cards and put where you can always see them. You can also keep them written down by hand in your personal notebook.

Here are some simple suggestions for New Year’s resolutions for parents:

1. Paying attention to your kids
2. A resounding no to False Punishments
3. Parental Patience: Count to 10
4. Keep Your Word
5. Taking care of yourself

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Are You “That” Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Are You “That” Friend? Learn To Accept Imperfection In Others

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on from time to time. When things go wrong, who will listen to you? Or are you that friend who will learn to accept imperfection of others?

Often it’s not who will listen but who is worthy of the privilege to witness your vulnerability. No one is perfect, but not everyone can handle seeing imperfection in others. Could you possibly be the type of friend who has a problem with that?

Are you willing to listen?

There are all types of people in the world and you may know many of them. When it comes to sharing your imperfection with others, it is wise to show discernment. Sharing with the wrong person can be detrimental for you as well as them. It is hard to be vulnerable. Choosing unwisely can make you shy about sharing again. It can also lead to a broken relationship.

The truth is that everyone is not ready to handle all situations. A person who has not yet embraced their imperfect side won’t rise to the occasion to celebrate yours. We have all been that friend who has been less than tolerant. Recognize when you are acting in this way. Let your friend know that maybe you aren’t the one to confide in at this time. Then, grow beyond where you are and learn to be more tolerant.

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5 Hidden Benefits of Live-Streaming Music Lessons

If you’re reading this, your life has probably gone remote!

You now find yourself juggling work, school, and family get-togethers all through Facetime, Zoom, and phone calls.

It’s an unexpected change, but you’re learning and persisting.

Music lessons are just another part of life that can and WILL continue, despite COVID-19.

Here at Confident Voice Studio, we’ve been teaching online for a collective 15 years so it’s not new to us. We’ve perfected teaching “online” a long time ago.

We’re continuing group classes, private lessons, and exciting, new offerings (did you catch “The Show Must Go Online”?), all in our virtual studio.

Read on to discover 5 hidden benefits of live-streaming music lessons! 

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Why Singers Must Conduct a Sound Check

Why Singers Must Conduct a Sound Check

When your band and you as the lead singer use electronic musical instruments such as the electric guitar, electric bass or the microphone etc, conducting a sound check is necessary to balance the sound of the instruments and your voice.

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6 Easy Tips to Help Your Child Make New Year’s Resolutions

6 Easy Tips to Help Your Child Make New Year’s Resolutions

Help your child make new year’s resolutions this 2023! With a fresh new year upon us, now is the perfect opportunity to help kids ages 7–12 cultivate their own personal growth and discover what it means for them to strive towards becoming their best selves.

Our children are growing in mindfulness and understanding others’ perspectives. As parents, we can provide guidance as they make resolutions that will shape who they become throughout the coming year.

Jumpstart 2023 by encouraging your kids to make resolutions on how they will expand themselves both inside and out over the next 12 months. It’s never too early (or late!) to plant those seeds of growth! Empower your children by nurturing an exciting journey ahead filled with all possibilities.

Why not make the new year an opportunity for growth and change as a family? 

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7 Ways to Deal with Change When It Happens To You

7 Ways to Deal with Change When It Happens To You

The one thing you can be sure about is that change is going to happen.
And that’s especially true right now with state of the world.
No matter what you do in life, change is the one certainty you can count on.
However, some people have a hard time dealing with change…even when it’s self-induced.
It makes them uncomfortable and can cause anxiety.
If you have issues dealing with change these ways to deal with change better will change your life.

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3 Tips to Survive the Holiday Rush

3 Tips to Survive the Holiday Rush

The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time for you and your family, though sometimes the stresses leading up to the holidays make it seem quite the opposite.

Usually, parents find themselves feeling overwhelmed with all of the things they have to do. It can be difficult to keep up with everything while still maintaining your sanity.

But don’t worry—it is possible to survive the holiday rush without turning into a Grinch. Remember that even in poor economic times, there are ways to enjoy yourself and survive the holiday rush.

With just a little bit of careful planning, surviving (and even thriving!) through the holidays won’t seem quite so daunting. With these simple strategies, you’ll be able to stay in control of your schedule so that you can actually enjoy quality family time without spending too much on gifts or treats!

Try these 3 tips:

1. Spending Money
2. Planning Your Budget
3. Dealing With Stress

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5 Tips to Reduce Your (and Your Child’s) Holiday Stress

5 Tips to Reduce Your (and Your Child’s) Holiday Stress

Enjoy the Holiday Without the Stress!

Every holiday really is the best of times and the worst of times. As the holiday season approaches, your stress level will undoubtedly escalate. Our tidings of joy and comfort can so easily be devoured by the relentless stress of doing it all, getting it all, and buying it all.

In addition to your regular work schedule, home and kids, you’ve got more shopping to do, menus to plan, and food to prepare. And because stress can ripple out to our spouse, children, coworkers, and others, the benefits of reducing it ripple out to others too. The good news is that you can still lower your holiday stress even with all the extra activities and preparations.

To help you along your journey, here are some proven strategies to help you decrease your holiday stress.

1. Start your holiday planning and preparations earlier.
2. Scale down your holiday plans.
3. Take time-saving shortcuts.
4. Acknowledge that everything doesn’t need to be perfect.
5. Decide on your course of action

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About Us

We’re Confident Voice Studio. We are a team of nurturing teachers who can help with voice, piano, guitar, violin, and songwriting. Our expertise ranges from preschool to adult. From the first lesson to nailing an audition or preparing for performances we've got your back.

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